Friday, March 1, 2013


Well here we are, going back to the feudal authoritarianism and religious conservatism that dominated the middle Ages. Like in 1965 when the United States first tried to oppress racial voting rights before  women were protected from violence and  woman’s choice being subjected and questioned as if they were a sub spices of man and labor Unions that protected the working men and women, the GOP Judaists of the 20th century oppressing our freedoms while others  who  are unable to see the facts around them with no concern that the lives lost through the past 200 yrs. of fighting for our freedom, that’s  now  being  ignored  while lazy close minded  unintelligent  crybabies complain that they are right and stand up for what they think they believe in while voting  for  their  dogs  of war all the while allowing themselves to be oppressed for no reason other than just being plain lazy do nothing and it will go away attitudes that destroyed Rome and it will consume all of us as a plague destroys. You will parish. I say people of Michigan leave that state leave and show your oppressors they can have their communist dictator .and that which we the people left behind 200 yrs. ago. It’s time to put your boot up the government’s …  and stand for something , believe in just one thing , commonly understood as inalienable fundamental rights to which a person is inherently entitled simply because she or he is a human being  it’s our choice to be oppressed or not . There is a time when it’s important to stop your petty bickering and placing blame on others this is your choice you allowed these atrocities your traitors to The people of a great nation .By voting for your political embarrassing republican outcasts that show the world how democracy does not work further humiliating your selves and those of us who can see it. In the eyes of other countries we are a lowly cowered people permitting the republicans to further humiliate us in the world jeopardizing our lives how long before this great United States of America will be attacked either by public opinion or war. We were the greatest Nation in the world and in less than two years because of prejudice we are staring disaster in the face. We The People, Remember that? Constitution of the United States of America    I will stand on my fundamental principles a believer in truth, justice for all human kind. What of you?

                               "Nothing is more important than our word; it truly is our only value"

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