Hello bloggers, as usual I was wasting my time reading the comments on face book and found myself implementing in thought a single word, I give you this word of caution that aroused my suspicions mind incontrovertible this means Impossible to dispute; unquestionable, undeniable, “How is it that those of you cannot see the facts and yet voice an opinion about things with such denial?” We as a people must give the republican agenda a good look. Take a stand on the truth, for the rights of all the human species. With their agenda of discriminating against woman’s choice subjected and questioned as if they were a sub spices of man with their attacks, all the while minimizing woman’s rights with comments of legitimate rape, there ideas of assaulting labor Unions that protect the working men and women and denying your right to vote. You with all your comments of pro work, prolife, Obama suppressors with antidotes on gun rights, its clear you can’t see the facts or ideas of your oppressors. You who are so feared with ignorance and morality that truth can’t steed your lips while teaching as oppressors of our liberties. Vote for your dogs of war, Stand fast and do nothing but ideally suggest your lazy minds are right. Further humiliating your selves alongside your republican self-important morality, in suggesting the wealthy have a right to enslave us.
The shame is those of you that can understand me, know what I am saying and thou voicing my opinion I believe I am well thought the ones that don’t, can’t and so my thought is I just wasted my time again without great surprise .I do believe in the Bill Of Rights and fear that if we the people don’t take our opinions for public view teaching the ignorant the truth we are as guilty as our republican would be oppressors. There for I would ask you who agree with me to share or repost this statement in your support.
"Nothing is more important than our word; it truly is our only value"
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