Saturday, March 9, 2013

Believing in one self

After some time reading I was not surprised by the news or the comments as to the negativity or the state of our union one single thought oppressed me and so I wanted to share it. Believing in one self would be considered to be a thought of rationality. I have discovered by observing others without great surprise that there's no regard toward others, unless there’s a reward to one self .So in conclusion believing in one self-thou important. Arrogance must then fallow, the human fallacy of uncontrolled emotion leads with disdain there for the unenlightened are compromised in believing to be self-important what I refer to as the ; "Me Syndrome". Equality must go both ways. Can't expect to have it unless you’re willing give it.
                  "Nothing is more important than our word; it truly is our only value"

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