Wednesday, January 23, 2013

“Who are you?”

Hello everyone, Today I was looking around on the internet and a thought of what I was seeing is so hard to believe, everyone seems to be pre occupied and detracted with things like Gun rights ,prolife and gay rights ecological impact and those things as social security ,medical insurance, Medicaid programs public assistance ,mental health ,and what animal out there is being abused ,and home violence, job loss  and Our military men and woman , schools and education. And other things around the world people are voicing there opinion loudly preaching about these things and other things that have to Do with and nothing to do with them, But there is something  going on that nobody’s talking about that needs everyone to take a stand and defend . You voice your opinion because you believe you have a right to.One who disregards and /or infringes upon another’s belief or rights physically, emotionally or disturbs rudely or improperly to treat others irreverently or disrespectfully and to treat with dishonor. Your opinion is what you think is right ,is all about you and what you want or what you don’t want all your ideas are inducing self-serving opinion is nothing more than all about you the fact you may feel  invisible or unimportant, you believe by making noise and judging others that you may be noticed. So you can make believe your important in some small way while you violate others freedoms that would make them happy  so you go about trotting on others with your self- illusion your  ideas of what you believe to be important . “Who are you?”  That you believe you have the right to dictate to others that which violates their rights of humanity again I ask “Who are you?”  That you feel you have a right to trod upon another’s’ happiness and freedoms. Again I ask “Who are you?” That you believe you know what’s best despite this truth. I am appalled, disappointed and sickened by the people who do these things to another for the Ideas of what they think is best. And then without surprise I see that now people are not even paying attention when the most important thing they believe in  is now being threatened there right to vote in a fair majority ,already several states have been rezoned by republicans to manipulate the outcome of majority of the senate and the house .This will allow them to be able to elect a president that they want and the peoples vote will never again be a majority .We will have lost our freedom and you thought you knew best .I for one believe we the people need to see and protect what we have no longer can you allow your petty opinions to divide us the people. Now that you see what’s at stake Again I ask “Who are you?”

                            "Nothing is more important than our word, it truly is our only value"

Monday, January 21, 2013


Hello everyone I was doing some messaging on Facebook and in the middle of the conversation
A single thought took my attention at the time I believed it to be an easy topic, what I learned was its rather intuitive .It is an aptitude, faculty, intuition or judgment of the intellect that distinguishes right from wrong. It also concludes a moral judgment and may derive from values principles and rules. In psychological terms conscience is often described as leading to feelings of remorse when a human commits actions that go against his/her moral values and to feelings of rectitude or integrity when actions conform to such norms. The extent to which conscience informs moral judgment before an action and whether such moral judgments are or should be based in reason has occasioned debate through much of history.
Religious views of conscience usually see it as linked to a morality inherent in all humans, to a beneficent universe and/or to divinity. The diverse ritualistic, mythical, doctrinal, legal, institutional and material features of religion may not necessarily cohere with experiential, emotive, spiritual or contemplative considerations about the origin and operation of conscience. Common secular or scientific views regard the capacity for conscience as probably genetically determined, with its subject probably learned or imprinted (like language) as part of a culture.
So in thought one could conclude that conscience can have a thought to cause feelings that  inhibit one from doing what’s considered bad .Commonly used metaphors for conscience include the "voice within" and the "inner light". It is a concept in national and international law, and is increasingly conceived of, as applying to the world as a whole, it has motivated numerous notable acts for the public good and has been the subject of many prominent examples of methods of self-expression
The idea that what one would believe is the sense of right and wrong that governs a person's thoughts and actions further thought has me wonder about the nature of man being in regulation of one's actions in conformity to this sense  that it’s to guided universal faculty of moral insight  as by inducing  a feeling of guilt or anxiety about an unkind action in   regard to truth and justice  as one sees it in what they believe that’s  reasonable  and fair. Thou I have researched history and religious beliefs of many cultures I know the actions of so many wrong doing have clouded and even inhibited man’s growth the most important is self-knowledge
In the literary traditions of the Upanishads, Brahma Sutras and the Bhagavad Gita, conscience is the label given to attributes composing knowledge about virtues and vices but also good and evil, that a soul acquires from the completion of acts and consequent accretion of karma over many lifetimes. According to Adi Shankar a in his Vivekachudamani morally right action as humbly and compassionately performing the primary duty of good to others without expectation of material or spiritual reward, helps "purify the heart" and provide mental tranquility but it alone does not give us "direct perception of the Reality". This knowledge requires discrimination between the eternal and non-eternal and eventually a realization in contemplation that the true self merges in a universe of pure consciousness.
In the Zoroastrian faith, after death a soul must face judgment at the Bridge of the Separator; there, evil people are tormented by prior denial of their own higher nature, or conscience, and "to all time will they be guests for the House of the Lie." The Chinese concept of Ren, indicates that conscience, along with social etiquette and correct relationships, assist humans to follow The Way (Tao) a mode of life reflecting the implicit human capacity for goodness and harmony.
Conscience also features prominently in Buddhism. In the Pali scriptures, for example, Buddha links the positive aspect of conscience to a pure heart and a calm, well-directed mind: "when the mind is face to face with the Truth, a self-luminous spark of thought is revealed at the inner core of ourselves and, by analogy, all reality." The Buddha also associated conscience with compassion for those who must endure cravings and suffering in the world until right conduct culminates in right mindfulness and right contemplation. Santideva (685–763 CE) wrote in the Bodhicaryavatara (which he composed and delivered in the great northern Indian Buddhist university of Nalanda) of the spiritual importance of perfecting virtues such as generosity, forbearance and training the awareness to be like a "block of wood" when attracted by vices such as pride or lust; so one can continue advancing towards right understanding in meditative absorption Conscience thus manifests in Buddhism as unselfish love for all living beings which gradually intensifies and awakens the mind to a purer awareness.
The Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius wrote in his Meditations that conscience was the human capacity to live by rational principles that were congruent with the true, tranquil and harmonious nature of our mind and thereby that of the Universe: "To move from one unselfish action to another with God in mind. Only there, delight and stillness...the only rewards of our existence here are an unstained character and unselfish acts."
I could go on to other examples, all the ideas are complacent that with knowledge is truth the more mankind learns the more conscience he gains allowing better choices for moral actions there are still uneducated ways others think allowing there inability to either understand or there unwilling ability to see the truth or place proper judgment and act accordingly, Yet others believe that it’s a part of man’s soul and Gods tool to control human kind. I don’t believe that for a second our omnipotent leader has no reason to involve or control us lowly life forms .After further study I realized that it would seem that other life forms also show signs of conscience
So one would understand that to know oneself is to be aware of oneself in saying that truth must lead our conscience and must be dictated by our education and emotions.

                    "Nothing is more important than our word, it truly is our only value"

Sunday, January 20, 2013


           Unreliable and untrustworthy, that’s the definition of irresponsible, " simple right?", One would think !  I was browsing around online and found this web site after spending many hours on it I feel like stupid has a new name the most uneducated information, of irresponsible journalism I have been exposed to thus far, almost everything is nonfactual it’s all bias opinion without any proof of substance, I believe if one is to write something for public viewing there should be something in truth, or at least point out.  ”Your reading fiction possible opinions only”. There are many such sites on the web, I have looked at many because of the things people share on Facebook.  So I go and check them out, I find it hard to separate the lies from truth, if it weren’t for my superior intellectual capacity I would fall in too the idealistic abyss of ignorance. I feel as thou everyone must really pay attention out there and if you can’t I would suggest going back to school and study ways of learning how to learn. Of course just plain commonsense should be enough but as you know rarely does anyone ever use commonsense anymore it’s all about finding information that backs up you opinions even if there wrong. I wrote an interesting blog a time ago about Opinions if you get a chance you should stop by and have a read ,I often enjoy writing and look for subjects that are mostly ignored or not obvious if you would like you can leave a thought with me and I would be glade to research it. Back to my thought, I realize that this new ability of online information can be overwhelming at times and very informative but also very unproductive as it shows that some haven’t the courage to be truthful and or deceptive for whatever reason they force false information as to confuse or entertain themselves by  inappropriately injecting and subjecting these unintelligent notations of lazy deceptive thoughts because they can so they do and then hide behind their walls and have no consequence for their actions or behavior I believe it’s up to each and every one of us that have the ability to think for ourselves to enlighten the people we interact with .Sharing information is about becoming more then we are and being truthful must always be first to become an enlightened species one must always remove the ideas of unnecessary emotional and illogical thoughts such as hatred , deceptive irresponsible opinions and behaviors. Also always be accountable for oneself in making sure you know best because you must be.

                          "Nothing is more important than our word, it truly is our only value"

Saturday, January 19, 2013

”Is Abortion Right Or Wrong?”

I was watching the news, and I read many articles and listened too many people about abortion I have read much about the subject and in different religions. “You know what I learned ?” that “WOW” people are very confused in this subject matter so I decided to look for information in numbers .Here’s the question: ”Is abortion right or wrong?” I have taken the number count of all abortions in the year of 2011 taking the population growth into account because all information is in percentages to population so as to get a straight number. I also dismissed the counts of other countries  because the numbers outside the US is very much higher  first I wanted to know how many abortions there were and what ages the woman were then I wanted to know how many woman/young girls died from giving birth then I wanted to know how many died from having abortion. Then by suicides from having the abortion and also how many woman died from suicide because they were pregnant I was absolutely astonished by the numbers and I ask “What is wrong with you people what are you thinking or can think at all? Here are the numbers, what you need to know before you think your right. Total abortions in 2011 was 333,924  9 years old to 25  years old, 112,260 woman died from labor 87,040 children died during labor in that count in addition to 14.659 children , 143,959 Pregnant suicides 268,962  Total death count for non-abortions .  613,680 lives just lost because of the idea that abortion is wrong and being pregnant was so devastating in some way they couldn’t see any way out that’s 279,756 more lives lost because. ”Why?” And one more number which really took me out was the suicides of the young boys who fathered some of the girls was an astounding 56,854 deaths. Final death count now is 670,534 VS 333,924 total difference 336,610. Conclusion: more lives could have been spared if people would mind their own business and if you can’t mind your own business then maybe you should help, Instead you preach abortion is wrong I am saving lives. You are not! Your costing lives . After looking at these numbers I must ask myself.  ” Is abortion right or wrong?” Shure, “Life is important right?” look at these numbers and ask yourself. My opinion is clear. I believe life is important and the greatest number is a shame and logic should dictate the needs of the many out way the needs of the few. And what about the abortions that did happen. “How many of those women /girls would have committed suicide as well?” I believe I will stand back and allow woman's choice  and help save lives if I can.
                             "Nothing is more important than our word, it truly is our only value"

Friday, January 18, 2013

Everyone Should Be Aware Of

I become aware of information that I believe everyone should be aware of. I fallow our government and ideology with intent. And I discovered by watching The Rachel Maddow Show The Republicans won a commanding 234-201 majority in the House of Representatives despite Democrats receiving more votes in congressional races overall. Analysts have pointed to redistricting as one reason (others include, for example, the concentration of Democratic voters in dense urban areas). This graphic shows disparities in popular vote versus seats won by state in 2010, when the old districts were in place, and 2012.                 
                              Here's the link
In the November election, a million more Americans voted for Democrats seeking election to the U.S. House of Representatives than Republicans.
 But that popular vote advantage did not result in control of the chamber. Instead, despite getting fewer votes, Republicans have maintained a commanding control of the House. Such a disparity has happened only three times in the last century.

                                                                    Here's the link

As for those who don't understand I will attempt to enlighten you .There's the proof now I will explain too you in plain English. Several state republicans reorganized the voting districts in such a way that no matter how you vote the electoral collage count will be republican. By hijacking the peoples votes and dismissing them so they don't count, Giving the Republicans majority in the House and the Senate and now they plan to implement this in a way to affect the Presidential outcome. We the people must not allow our voting rights too be dismissed, We must fight back. Our right to a fair election must not be compromised, So speak out and tell everyone you know and don't let this happen. 

                            "Nothing is more important than our word, it truly is our only value"

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Making Decisions

             Hello everyone I recently become aware some of you out there have the inability for decision making.May be I can help "Stop making decision's ".  "Right?" Most decisions can be put into two categories  normative or prescriptive,  it is the idea of being  concerned with identifying the best decision to take in practice, there are situations in which "best" is not necessarily the maximal, or optimum which may also include values in addition to maximum, but within a specific or approximateive range, assuming an ideal decision maker who is fully informed, able to compute with perfect accuracy, and fully rational. The practical application of this prescriptive approach is how people ought to make decisions this is called decision analysis, its  aimed at finding tools, methodologies and software to help people make better decisions. this is called a decision support system.
          Since people usually do not behave in ways consistent with axiomatic rules, often their own, leading to violations of optimality, Its here that I realized that there is a related idea of two things  there, called a positive or descriptive disciplines, So  by  attempting to describe what people will actually do. Since the normative, optimal decision often creates a hypotheses for testing against actual behaviors, the two fields are closely linked. Furthermore it is possible to relax the assumptions of perfect information, rationality and so forth in various ways, too  produce a series of different prescriptions or predictions about ones behavior, allowing for further thought  of this kind of decision making that occurs in practice. The idea of expected value is that, when faced with a number of actions, each of which could give rise to more than one possible outcome with different probabilities, the rational procedure is to identify all possible outcomes, So in determining their values positive or negative and the probabilities that will result from each course of action, and multiply the two to give an expected value. The action to be chosen should be the one that gives rise to the highest total of expected value
           However some of you cant even ,with all those factors taken into account, the  human behavior, again deviates greatly from the predictions of prescriptive decision making My brother said it best, Some don't need to think, it causes stupid to make believe they know something. So to be rational and not complaisant one should consider not making decisions based on stupid idea logistics .Get more educated and then maybe you will have the ability to decide that your opinion may have a value that is not less than the ability of a pea .
                               "Nothing is more important than our word, it truly is our only value"


I often hear that people around me chattering about this and that. What we should do what others should do or not do and a word draws my attention "opinion". In general, it is a belief about matters commonly considered to be subjective, it is based on that which is less than absolutely certain, and is the result of emotion or interpretation of facts. . An opinion may be supported by an argument, although people draw opposing opinions from the same set of facts. Opinions rarely change without new arguments being presented. It can be reasoned that one opinion is better supported by the facts than another by analyzing the supporting arguments. In casual use, the term opinion may be the result of a person's perspective, or understanding, particular feelings, beliefs, and desires. It may refer to unsubstantiated information, in contrast to knowledge and fact based beliefs. After reading the definition of opinion I can see that opposition of ones belief in any formative idea can be altered by feelings thou I consider some points of view may or may not be the right point of view I do consider that maybe I could be wrong. Then again I do believe that I am right as I know I am certain that I am So to stay in my deep thought, As I sometimes consider my argument and become aware of the different sides of an opinion I must decline the respective out come of others point of view. If opinions influence others because of feelings and idea of experiences it is like teaching people around you to become less than they could become . And as I have stated before intelligent's is often compromised by emotion, So the interpretation of facts can become A misguided pattern of thought they become wrong ,So how is one to know without question that your right well lets consider not being emotional and you can become reasonable now add in the facts and as we see emotion on any opinion is needed so we consider analyzing what is perceived as the right thing to do and our answer becomes simple what maybe right for someone may not be right for another and allowing others the option of being wrong is to allow them to be wrong, Giving a opinion when asked is often ignored and thou you are right the opinion is still complacent with the emotion of other's so in what one may perceive to be correct is indeed wrong My conclusion is ,be right for your self ,for your self and leave other's alone to be right for them selves .even if you know they are wrong people cant have a change of thought unless they learn they are not right ,With great hope one would learn by there mistakes and be of some value .

                              "Nothing is more important than our word, it truly is our only value"

Saturday, January 12, 2013

" Who then has the right to choose?"

I have often heard that logic would dictate that the needs of the many out way the needs of the few or the one. Brings to me a question  "Who then has the right to choose for the many?" I often believed that logic to be the one truth that cannot be argued ,I find that talking to some that share an idea of the few are often misguided in the assumption that  there needs are more to them than the many .So  "Who then has the right to choose for the few?"

Taking all the study that I ponder about I find that those two Questions the  most intriguing. So I gave to it, my thought as a refreshing challenge to conclude that the only right answer would by definition be one human right and again A question "Why then is the right of humans any different than any non human and again "Who has the right too choose ?"My guess is that I will never get a real answer from anyone because  the needs of one self dictates the needs of one self and the WHO by question is oneself. So as I ponder the rights of humanity, And the thought of "United States Declaration of Independence, 1776". " We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. Wow Another Question ! .Although the people who help change this law to include woman and other race's of humans. Who are we as a species to believe that we humans are above all life forms and the suggestion that our unalienable rights are so defining to being as Alien as we can become. By excluding all other life forms that are not human and again I ask " Who then has the right to choose?". So if we are to be  truly enlightened then as a species we must ask " Who then has the right to choose?". I believe "We must  hold these truths to be evident, that all species of life are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain alienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness". Because we know this truth ,It must be defended with out prejudice that this is the right of all life . " Who then has the right to choose?" Answer : We must all choose but  fairly there should never be a choice until humanity learns if that's even possible ,And if it were, there would be peace. But truth be told as a species there is no hope because humans believe  the needs of one self dictate the needs of one self.

                    "Nothing is more important than our word, it truly is our only value"

Friday, January 4, 2013

Many people that read my blog asked

Many people that read my blog asked me why I put this "Nothing is more important than our word, it truly is our only value" at the end of every blog. Well To lie is to deliver a false statement to another person which the speaking person knows is not the whole truth, intentionally. Thats the definition of a lie I believe no general rule on lying is possible, because anybody who advocated lying could never be believed there are no circumstances in which one may ethically lie. Even if the only way to protect oneself is to lie, it is never ethically permissible to lie even in the face of murder, torture, or any other hardship So Lying is a perversion of the natural faculty of speech, the natural end of which is to communicate the thoughts of the speaker. And I would suggest that when one lies, one undermines trust in society Some believe to Deceive only if you can change behavior in a way worth more than the trust you would lose, were the deception discovered (whether the deception actually is exposed or not)."Suggested that those who refrain from lying may do so only because of the difficulty involved in maintaining the lie. This is consistent with the general philosophy that divides people according to strength and ability; thus, some people tell the truth only out of weakness. Deceptive body language, such as feints that mislead as to the intended direction of attack or flight, is observed in many species including wolves. A mother bird deceives when it pretends to have a broken wing within any scenario where only "yes" or "no" answers are accepted, a person who we know is consistently lying would paradoxically be a source of truth if "yes" is sometimes the correct answer. There are many such paradoxes, the most famous being known as the liar paradox, commonly expressed as "This sentence is a lie," or "This sentence is false." The so-called Epimenides paradox ("All Cretans are liars," as stated by Epimenides the Cretan) is a forerunner of this, though its status as a paradox is disputed. A class of related logic puzzles are known as knights and knaves, in which the goal is to determine who, in a group of people, is lying and who is telling the truth. A recent study found that lying takes longer than telling the truth. Or, as Chief Joseph succinctly put it, "It does not require many words to speak the truth." In that statement I would assume that maybe I am just lazy Some biologists have argued that lying is an unavoidable feature of human behavior Interesting that brings many questions and I would think that true human behavior could be influenced by what children are taught and adult give witnessed let’s take a look at religion, The ultimate truth as most humans see it, in all cultures believe to lie is wrong.  I have witnessed it . "Is it  acceptable I ask?". "Why do people think its ok?" . There taught it is here take a look at my evidence
In The Old Testament and New Testament of the Bible both contain statements that God cannot lie and that lying is immoral (Num. 23:19, Hab. 2:3, Heb. 6:13–18). Nevertheless, there are examples of God deliberately causing enemies to become disorientated and confused, in order to provide victory (2 Thess. 2:11; 1 Kings 22:23; Ezek. 14:9):And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie (2 Thess. 2:11 NKJV) various passages of the Bible feature exchanges that assert lying is immoral and wrong but "Allowed?”(Prov. 6:16–19; Ps. 5:6), (Lev. 19:11; Prov. 14:5; Prov. 30:6; Zeph. 3:13), (Isa. 28:15; Dan. 11:27), most famously, in the Ten Commandments: "Thou shalt not bear false witness" (Ex. 20:2–17; Deut. 5:6–21); Ex. 23:1; Matt. 19:18; Mark 10:19; Luke 18:20 a specific reference to perjury.In other passages feature exchanges where lying seems to be seen as acceptable in extreme circumstances involving life and death. However, most Christian philosophers would argue that lying is never acceptable, but that even those who are righteous in God's eyes sin sometimes. And in Old Testament accounts of lying include: The midwives lied about their inability to kill the Israelite children. (Ex. 1:15-21).Rehab lied to the king of Jericho about hiding the Hebrew spies (Josh. 2:4–5) and was not killed with those who were disobedient because of her faith (Heb. 11:31).Abraham instructed his wife, Sarah, to mislead the Egyptians and say that she is his sister (Gen. 12:10). Abraham's story was strictly true —Sarah was his half-sister— but intentionally misleading because it was designed to lead the Egyptians to believe that Sarah was not Abraham's wife for Abraham feared that they would kill him in order to take her, for she was very beautiful. In the New Testament, Jesus refers to the Devil as the father of lies (John 8:44) and Paul commands Christians "Do not lie to one another" (Col. 3:9; cf. Lev. 19:11).In the Day of Judgment, liars will be punished in the lake of fire. (Rev. 21:8; 21:27).The Qur’an: Says that God (Allah), knows the secrets of all peoples' hearts and when somebody lies.Therefore according to the Qur'an, God cannot be fooled by lies and those who lie not only destroy their souls but the lie will be destroyed by the truth. Liars will be called to account on the Day of Judgment and God will not guide them. In at least three different places, Quran 45:7; 51:10 and 52:11, the Qur'an indicates that liars will suffer. The following are particularly noted for punishment: idolaters (liars against God), liars who disunite believers, those who lie that all good things are for themselves, hypocrites, those who lie against God when invited to Islam or who treat God's signs as falsehoods.In Buddhism Lying is forbidden by the fourth of the Five Precepts, the fundamental ethical training rules for all Buddhists. "For a liar who has violated the one law of truthfulness who holds in scorn in the hereafter, there is no evil that he cannot do."In Paganism: In Gestaþáttr, one of the sections within the Eddaic poem Hávamál, Odin states that it is advisable, when dealing with "a false foe who lies," to tell lies oneself.
In Zoroastrianism: Zoroaster teaches that there are two powers in the universe; Asha, which is truth, order and that which is real, and Druj, which is "the Lie". Later on the Lie became personified as Angra Mainyu, a figure similar to the Christian Devil, who was portrayed as the eternal opponent of Ahura Mazda (God).
Well In conclusion I instead of being like most others my decision it that. It's the kind of person I want to be. The fact that I make in my little statement is to show mostly what I expect from myself without concern for others,To teach by showing an example I believe my way is best for me I always listen to others and see that things happen. So I insist upon myself that to be the best of humanity I can be for its me to teach as I am a father it's my duty And because it's me teaching I will do the best I can because it's me doing it. So Yes I believe and so I do leave you with this. 
                         "Nothing is more important than our word, it truly is our only value"

Thursday, January 3, 2013


    I had received an email from someone where they told me that if my blog was worth any opinion at all was that my opinions were pernicious and undecided. And children can be influenced by what they read and I should not be blogging. “ In my confusion?” , there is nothing in my blogs that meet this opinion, If my readers have an opinion please do comment I have many thoughts how to answer this, for example I believe everyone has a right of free speech The right to freedom of expression is recognized as a human right under Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and recognized in international human rights law in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR). In the Article 19 of the ICCPR states that everyone shall have the right to hold opinions without interference" and "everyone shall have the right to freedom of expression; This right shall include freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds, regardless of frontiers, either orally, in writing or in print, in the form of art, or through any other media of my choice". Article 19 goes on to say that the exercise of these rights carries "special duties and responsibilities" and may "therefore be subject to certain restrictions" when necessary "for respect of the rights or reputation of others" or "For the protection of national security or of public order, or of public health or morals”. Freedom of speech may be legally curtailed in some religious legal systems and in secular jurisdictions where it is found to cause religious offense, such as the British Racial and Religious Hatred Act 2006. So I am free to express myself and my opinions as I am free to do. Thank you very much for your email, I believe if you had any intelligent thought you would have commented on my blog instead of emailing me. I did note you obviously didn’t understand what you have read, (Oh there is a spell checker in most word pad programs.) Thou I share my thoughts I do believe In telling the truth if your unhappy about what you read, I would suggest finding something else to read, I have had a great audience and appreciate all of your comments I will lead with this as reflect what most people don’t see on a daily bias I do point out ideas that reflect the truths I witness and share with others.
                    "Nothing is more important than our word, it truly is our only value"  

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Being Social

Social refers to a characteristic of living organisms as applied to populations of humans and other animals. It always refers to the interaction of organisms with other organisms and to their collective co-existence, irrespective of whether they are aware of it or not,
and irrespective of whether the interaction is voluntary or involuntary.AS I read this because I was asked why I am less social then most I decided to analyze why it is so. From my point of view human beings are intrinsically, necessarily and by definition social beings who, beyond being gregarious creatures, People cannot survive and meet their needs other than through social  co-operation and association. Their social characteristics are therefore to a large extent an objectively given fact,Taught from birth and affirmed by socialization processes; and,  in producing and reproducing their material life, people must necessarily enter into relations of production which are "independent of their will". So in contrast, It defines The human action as social if, by virtue of the subjective meanings attached to the action by individuals, One must take into account of the behavior of others, there for it is oriented in its course I find that most people's  personal preferences belief or understanding is limited by their closed mindless they only have the ability to believe there important part of being social is rather selfish they want to ,so they do. And the only thing that satisfies is the fact they are rewarded in some manner whether negative or positive, I find most conversation may start as a positive  experience most every time it ends with arragent halve truth statement, Do to the intelligent of the one, I was talking with I do find it very hard too communicate with those who rarely are aware of any kind of facts that one should know, So in being as I am I believe it better for my piece of mind that I be respectful and decline communications because when I am forced into talking to others who can't seem to ever learn that if your not using factual information Your lying I become rude and dismissive and become blunt which seem to start a negative atmosphere and so that's why I am not social.
                           "Nothing is more important than our word, it truly is our only value"

Tuesday, January 1, 2013


The total of all the inherited ideas, beliefs, values, and knowledge, which constitute the shared bases of social action the total range of activities and ideas of a group of people with shared traditions, which are transmitted and reinforced by members of the group is to a particular civilization at a particular period the artistic and social pursuits, expression, and tastes valued by a society or class, as in the arts, manners, dress, etc the enlightenment or refinement resulting from these pursuits the attitudes, feelings, values, and behavior that characterize and inform society as a whole or any social group within in a culture In study of how people exercise thought I have found many don't even want to be the best human they can be if it interferes with what the believe is important only to them I refer to "Fundamentally" A statement I made a bit ago also explains the human error self important is believed by everyone the rite way to make a decision ,it won't be until people realize the rite way Is not always about them.
                          "Nothing is more important than our word, it truly is our only value"


Time has been long and feared, lasting shadows of the past, growing far and
wide longing for concealment and forgetful events;
That nothing controls all and leaving behind empty feelings,
That had come before and after;
Sharing rage of hot passions tempered with time;
Trapping the moment of regret and despair.
Freeing the sadness into the wind
And raining tears of broken dreams talking aloud telling all that’s lost and alone,
Stolen from the heart the held it will remain in control sharing forever of all that had come before and after
                          "Nothing is more important then our word, It truly is our only value"