Sunday, December 30, 2012


Without great surprise the word describes a sentimental longing for the past,
typically for a period or place with happy personal associations like Smell, touch and memories.
Also strong evokers in general. It’s due to the processing of these stimuli first passing
through the amygdala, the emotional seat of the brain. These recollections of the past are usually important events. People, places, objects and Music that people would have an attachment with can also be a strong trigger.And as I have said before many times People judge past experiences with their emotions and in doing so they learn it’s ok to be in a state of either imply a congenital lack of capacity for reasoning, or a temporary state of daze or slow mindedness. I am however startled as I learn about others and there learned behavior as to how I can be witness too this and find myself in conflict with rational thought with so many in this state of mind.Conclusion: “I believe it to be in my best interest to isolate myself as to protect my own Identity as I have been a witness to many people fallowing each other as oblivious to the real cost of being in this state of mind I don’t wish to have this atrocity infect me like a spreading disease it appears too me to be contagious with no cure available that would be humane.”
          "Nothing is more important than our word, it truly is our only value"

Saturday, December 29, 2012


 Is the most dominant belief that has negative outcomes. I do give faith the ability to turn people around and make them a better person, but that's only for a percentage of the people that follow, the rest of them all feel superior because they are going to be rewarded in death for their unwavering faith in life. Even more if they decrease the number of people that believe the wrong faith, whether its by death and war or by conversion, either way, faith is the most dominant negative belief.
I believe it's the dualistic belief in the concepts of "good" and bad", which enable us to absolve ourselves of personal responsibility  at the extreme end, this allows us to ignore our innate darkness and punish those who disagree with us by removing them from society, Or in some cases taking their lives from them.
This dualistic view also fosters the belief that someone else will come and rescue us or manage things for us  be it Government ,Religion or others it's all the same thing really.
I think we as a species have to truly learn to stand on our own 2 feet and accept all parts of our nature philanthropically or animalisticly. Another's  opinion can not affect me unless I allow it or choose it, or convert to it. It is ridiculous to blame your actions on another because only you have access to your mind and therefore only you can induce behavior. Only you can be fully responsible for your actions because they are your choices.

                            "Nothing is more important then our word, It truly is our only value"


I have compiled thousands of accounts of coincidences and other supposedly anomalous synchronicity. The perception of coincidences often leads to occult or paranormal claims. It may also lead to The belief system or fatalism that events will happen in the exact manner of a predetermined plan or formula. This lends a certain aura of inevitability to events. In this case there are four distinct meanings of the term "coincidence". I would suggest that coincidences occur because of odd matches when two events are perceived to contain a similarity of some kind. Another proponents of ancient spiritual and other mystical teachings insist on the view that there is absolutely no coincidence in the world. Everything that occurs can be related to a prior cause or association, no matter how vast or how minute or trivial. All is affected by something related to it that is seen or unseen, cognized or unknowable. So In conclusion: the events of today happened before and the will happen again economically, religiously, scientifically ,mathematically and socially. The Mayans may have it right their ability the use math they found events equally distanced apart that had happened over and again the fall of kingdoms happened before it shall happen again. So what I suggest is stand on your own If your going too fall be the best of humanity you can be.
                   "Nothing is more important than our word, it truly is our only value"

Thursday, December 27, 2012


Some people make comments or statements of what they believe to be true. Is in fact there emotional state of what they want other than the truth giving them the illusion there not lying, So would it be truth full to admit that what you think you know is in fact a lie. And what you want to be is right because you feel you don't want to be wrong. Is also a lie. So in conclusion : Intelligence is often compromised by emotion as It causes a lack of reasoning. It would seem too me that the less knowing would be aware of there lack of knowledge and begin too learn for them selves. I believe that one that would lie so readable would also have the emotional state of surrender for they know they are wrong. There for the most logical thing to do is try to never be wrong by always knowing the facts.

                          "Nothing is more important than our word, it truly is our only value" 

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Indulgence, Consent, or Acquiescence

To be polite and respond in a timely manner to an invitation because you shouldn't be consistently inconsiderate and say MAYBE to an invitation because you know people have to cook for a certain amount of people!!! Or how about talking to other guests at a dinner party and not avoiding eye contact to actually listening to the hostess when she says "please sit down." Or how about not being acquiescence and being rude with comments and body language, Just say NO in the first place or be truth full up front as to avoid looking to be self indulged and conclude aloud how dishonorable you truly are, One would believe that an emotional person would be more likely to avoid being shown as being self indulgent, It makes you a liar and a person that should never be trusted ,

                       "Nothing is more important than our word, it truly is our only value"

Sunday, December 9, 2012

A matter of one civil right

A matter of one civil right is everyone’s given right. I too am disappointed in the unintellectual stigma that most here in The United States and around the world would suffer by heritable phenotypic characteristics, geographic ancestry, culture, history, language, ethnicity, religon and social status. Would dictate that the important’ belief of one’s self stands above everyone else I believe that here in the 21st century its time people wake up it truly is a disappointment that if we were the only species to be compared with, The people who fought for this right are being disrespected their lives ,sacrifices and their families. WE ARE ALL PEOPLE OF EARTH AND HAVE THE CIVIC DUTY TO PROTECT ALL THE HUMAN RACE

                         "Nothing is more important than our word, it truly is our only value"

Thursday, November 29, 2012

What I discovered

Is that people have the ability to be great, All thou I found that there lack of knowledge frustrating as it consumes without result, they are compromised by emotion and so fail at learning, there lack of intelligent realism is utterly profound the human race is reckless and lacking the understanding of Relevant civil behavior, belief and progress intelligent’ is often compromised by emotion therefore causes a lack of reasoning. It would seem to me that the less knowing would be aware of their lack of knowledge and begin to learn for them. It’s our duty as a civilized human race too better ourselves for the sake of our children and the human race. I have also discovered by observing others without great surprise that there's no regard toward others. So I give you this, In conclusion believing in oneself, thou important, arrogance must fallow, the human fallacy of uncontrolled emotion leads with disdain there for the unenlightened are compromised in believing to be self-important what I refer to as the me syndrome. Furthermore the people who do seem too care are conflicted and as of no real surprise either. I submit the only act of compassion is judged by their own idea of helping their fellow man a choice that’s taken by measure of their self-important value is of what their feelings mean only to themselves. I don’t believe in A religion, because I have spent much time in study of many and my conclusion is it's a misguided attempt to give resolve to one self for the comfort of a non-proven belief system as to conclude the self-important’ of the feelings of one self, Not that God may exists or not .People try to get and give a notion of acceptances of creation because of the lack of knowledge and reason of the emotions they had felt by the death of others and their awareness. They too can die so they rally on the use of religion to define the reason of their self-important ideas. From my studies I have accepted that people never understand what they might see and give false information as a description of what they have seen by the Intellegents of what they understand giving false proof of what they think they witnessed.

                         "Nothing is more important than our word, it truly is our only value"

Saturday, November 24, 2012

From Me to You

Upon the ground as you lay, I find it an amazing day. The new has fallen all around, a blanket across the ground, The view that you see, the quiet white cover the trees. A trick of light from the moon, Casts a shadow across the room. Lonely gather’s in as if to say hello, I am here fresh new as the snow. An open thought of this night, giving a new impression for winters might. The cool breeze thrusting about there’s no room here for doubt. A fresh wonder of all new I gaze upon a painting for you In my thought I can see all that you are and could be So too my kids I give this to thee in remembering what you shared with me

Friday, November 23, 2012

Religion in school ?

Allowing religion in school is not practical in a country that has many, it’s unrealistic and could endanger the lives of children and should never be allowed by the state it’s these notions of stupidity. That are not responsible and children are even less responsible. People are ignorant and their unpredictable behavior will allow room for prejudice ,it’s irresponsible and neglectful of us too allow the lives of innocent children because of lazy close minded people who think it’s alright to practice religion in school.

Monday, November 19, 2012

A Flower

I awoke this day in a fresh new world with anticipation full of excitement and longing.
With an open heart I give too you this pledge.
As a flower in the wind its fragrance lingers
 Too be shared, inspired its need of a lasting place.
As shadows cast a grim lonely darkness,
 I find that the light has a name, shinning   threw as if it had no equal,
 Strong, and fearless as it cuts away all the doubt and leaving all in peace, endless in time without regret.
Only the sound of soft music in the distance as the wild becomes silent and full of hope leaving despair and the hates of it.
We search each for the needs of friendship that will free us, our ambitions.
Only the future will decide if it’s strong enough to stand.
I find myself wanting, as if you’re the only star awaiting my every word, from my own heart
That I longed for to be as close and gaze upon it with the greatest of hope.
I ask only for this day.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

What Is It?

Thou I try I find my self wondering in missary,Trouble finds me no mater where I hide,
Is it the grass looks greener when your looking at it ?
And when you think for a momment what you find is it's just weeds?
I have too say that feelings are an addiction we want it we need it and we do every thing we can too get it,
We trust ,believe and hope that it's happyness ,It's a wanting of all thease things and it will lead you.
the other side of hell damed,Forever 
forced to fallow an ever ending path with no escape forever alone and the wanting of it.

Friday, November 9, 2012

lbcjr2000's photostream

xmas 2006087083055046245


I came across the word Humanity and as profound as it.
I realize the astounding losses of our current place in time, Theo the benefits
of education and culture have been an inspiration thru eons of growth. 
We as the human race must wonder, "What is it too be Human?", It truly is a disappointment
that if we were the only species to  be compared with, The lack of judgment ,fear, and hate.
"How is it possible that we survived?" When clearly we are a doomed race ,by our own hand.
In history and current events show the future. There are good people and even they will falter in the face of atrocity.
Fundamentally The lack of intelligent realism, is so profound the human race is utterly reckless and lacking the knowledge and comprehension of all civil behaviors, beliefs and progress. Intelligence is often compromised by emotion, As It causes a lack of reasoning. To be intelligent isn't in knowing, But more in being aware of your own stupidity. It would seem too me that the less knowing would be aware of there lack of knowledge and begin too learn for them selves. It's our duty as civilized human beings, To better ourselves for the sake of our children and the human race.
                           "Nothing is more important than our word, it truly is our only value"