Is that people have the ability to be great, All thou I found that there lack of knowledge frustrating as it consumes without result, they are compromised by emotion and so fail at learning, there lack of intelligent realism is utterly profound the human race is reckless and lacking the understanding of Relevant civil behavior, belief and progress intelligent’ is often compromised by emotion therefore causes a lack of reasoning. It would seem to me that the less knowing would be aware of their lack of knowledge and begin to learn for them. It’s our duty as a civilized human race too better ourselves for the sake of our children and the human race. I have also discovered by observing others without great surprise that there's no regard toward others. So I give you this, In conclusion believing in oneself, thou important, arrogance must fallow, the human fallacy of uncontrolled emotion leads with disdain there for the unenlightened are compromised in believing to be self-important what I refer to as the me syndrome. Furthermore the people who do seem too care are conflicted and as of no real surprise either. I submit the only act of compassion is judged by their own idea of helping their fellow man a choice that’s taken by measure of their self-important value is of what their feelings mean only to themselves. I don’t believe in A religion, because I have spent much time in study of many and my conclusion is it's a misguided attempt to give resolve to one self for the comfort of a non-proven belief system as to conclude the self-important’ of the feelings of one self, Not that God may exists or not .People try to get and give a notion of acceptances of creation because of the lack of knowledge and reason of the emotions they had felt by the death of others and their awareness.
They too can die so they rally on the use of religion to define the reason of their self-important ideas. From my studies I have accepted that people never understand what they might see and give false information as a description of what they have seen by the Intellegents of what they understand giving false proof of what they think they witnessed.
"Nothing is more important than our word, it truly is our only value"
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