I have compiled thousands of accounts of coincidences and other supposedly anomalous synchronicity. The perception of coincidences often leads to occult or paranormal claims. It may also lead to The belief system or fatalism that events will happen in the exact manner of a predetermined plan or formula. This lends a certain aura of inevitability to events. In this case there are four distinct meanings of the term "coincidence". I would suggest that coincidences occur because of odd matches when two events are perceived to contain a similarity of some kind. Another proponents of ancient spiritual and other mystical teachings insist on the view that there is absolutely no coincidence in the world. Everything that occurs can be related to a prior cause or association, no matter how vast or how minute or trivial. All is affected by something related to it that is seen or unseen, cognized or unknowable. So In conclusion: the events of today happened before and the will happen again economically, religiously, scientifically ,mathematically and socially. The Mayans may have it right their ability the use math they found events equally distanced apart that had happened over and again the fall of kingdoms happened before it shall happen again. So what I suggest is stand on your own If your going too fall be the best of humanity you can be.
"Nothing is more important than our word, it truly is our only value"
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