Thursday, December 27, 2012


Some people make comments or statements of what they believe to be true. Is in fact there emotional state of what they want other than the truth giving them the illusion there not lying, So would it be truth full to admit that what you think you know is in fact a lie. And what you want to be is right because you feel you don't want to be wrong. Is also a lie. So in conclusion : Intelligence is often compromised by emotion as It causes a lack of reasoning. It would seem too me that the less knowing would be aware of there lack of knowledge and begin too learn for them selves. I believe that one that would lie so readable would also have the emotional state of surrender for they know they are wrong. There for the most logical thing to do is try to never be wrong by always knowing the facts.

                          "Nothing is more important than our word, it truly is our only value" 

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