A strange thought "What is it to be human? “To give me perspective
I decided to look it up and see what the dictionary would halve too say, all
thou the definition was somewhat complex I believe my conclusion is a better understanding.
In the scientific sense, to be human means to be a complex biological organism
belonging to the species of Homo sapiens, a member of the great ape family. It
means to be capable of logical reasoning, abstract thought, learning and using
languages and possessing self-awareness. To be human means you are capable of culture,
complex problem solving, creating advanced technologies and developing complex
social institutions. For others, man is
defined by the radical absence of any such essence, and is instead a purely
material being with purely material concerns. For some people, what it means to
be human is inter twined with other questions about the nature of transcendent
reality as described by a particular religious doctrine. For such people, being
human can mean being a manifestation of a higher power. In the Judeo-Christian
tradition, Could mean being an imperfect creature made in the image of God, and
what it means to be human is to be a servant of God. For others, such as
Buddhists, it means suffering; one is human only until one attains
enlightenment, at which time one returns to an oneness with transcendent
reality. Of course, other definitions abound, but in general they have in
common a definition of human framed by an understanding of the larger realities
that stand over and above him. For some, being a human means that one is social
and political creature. Or that human are defined by their social interactions,
and in extreme versions of this view, being human means being a manifestation
of one's larger social and cultural environment. Human beings are inherently
political creatures because they attempt to further their own interests even in
relation to their social group. Existentialism to be human means simply to be
this self-defining creature, to be whatever one decides one wants to become. After
spending some thought my conclusion is humankind is a self-aware Homo sapiens that’s
an emotional, self-serving, self-principled being capable of abstract thought
and logical reasoning. My guess is that no amount of truth could ever be enough
to enlighten any human kind that it would conclude that someone else may be
more important. That to which one finds they haven’t the value of the human
race only to be second in the abstract ideology of a higher being. After seeing
and trying to enlighten others I find that I have wasted my time therefore
proving my point too myself I too fit as a human kind although I took it upon myself
to teach others that too be human meant that we work toward the future of
humankind by informing others that to be human is to do the best we can because
we are the one doing it, by using all the tools nature gave us to use and as
in everything too much is sometimes too much. Take what’s happening now in our
great country no one is really paying attention and having an idea of their
self-important ideologies haven't a clue of the facts that fixing the problems
isn't about them. In the words of my mother to each their own, so I guess the
term Humanology is just that.
"Nothing is more important than our word; it truly is our only
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