Sunday, February 3, 2013

Children of Tomorrow

As I was looking online I was reading many articles on new government policy! Something is here in our country and I just can’t understand how we as a people can allow these atrocities’ to continue. One of them is the new Bill for woman rights;   I believe in the bill of rights and, I find they are for everyone, if we are an enlightened people with our thought s and technologies’. “Why is it that The Republicans and their followers have been unrelenting in their attempts of cutting services for women in America especially the poor women of America?” The Republican’s attacks on teachers unions are just another attempt at union busting. Statistics from 2010 show that 81.8 % of elementary school teachers, 57% of secondary teachers, and 92% of kindergarten and pre-school teachers are women.  I have heard it said that teachers are just glorified baby-sitters who deserve minimum wage and no benefits as if they are teenage girls earning spending money. There has not been the same level of anti-union sentiment aimed at traditional male-dominated professions like law enforcement (13% female), firefighters (3.6% female), or construction workers at 2.6%.  “Is it our legacy to believe and teach our children the lack of respect of woman?” It does not seem to me too be any other reason other than women are not valued the way men are. In Congress and state legislatures around the country, Republicans consistently Vote to perpetuate gender inequality in pay, health insurance, and health services .Because they are still laboring under the bible’s directive that women are not equal to men. I also see that gender inequality is rampant in this country and no profession is immune. There is no other reasonable explanation and in many conservative circles women are expected to stay at home, give birth, whether by choice or rape clean the house, raise the monsters that are going to run our country. It begs the question, “Why would any woman ever vote for a Republican?” It is somewhat understandable that in a third world country and Islamic culture’s women are treated as possessions for men. It is not understandable why in the greatest country in the world women earn 25% less than a man doing the same job. There are, of course, economic considerations at play and corporations will do anything to increase their profit margin by paying women less than men. Many older conservative Americans who yearn to return to 1950 still believe that only men should work outside of the home. And others continue to do everything in their legislative power to return women to the role of homemaker and little else.  Women have done everything they have been asked to, and according to statistics, they are losing the battle for equality on every front. The Republicans continue to lead the attacks on equal rights for women, and it is a mystery why women support them. I believe it is time for men to stand with women and demand that WE THE PEOPLE be given the same respect and fairness that every man enjoys. Americans have much to be ashamed of, but mistreating our women and treating them like third-class citizens has to be at the top of the shame list, and it all starts with Republicans, there followers  and you conservative Christians who cling to bible mythology and war mongering ideology You  Hypocrites who believe that  women are less than men. I am shamed by you that we live in this way I am appalled that you decide you are right.

                            "Nothing is more important than our word; it truly is our only value"

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