Monday, February 25, 2013


After reading my brothers statement I considered a trivial point of thought that I would share with you readers as I often do when I am inspired.  A word to the rational logic thinkers and the one’s of you that believe in your selves the ethics of man that I am to have been subjected to in my life and all of you that can’t seem to in any conclusion of your abilities to learn, I find that to believe one to be right about anything is an opinion without a value is a lie that one should have been for seen. As I believe those of you who ware blinders and subject those of us who do understand and have the ability to learn and  see the facts , We who live by the judgment of our own minds, willing to stand alone against tradition and popular opinion. I would urge everyone to consider the things in your lives and that which is happening around us. With political schemes that influence err rational philosophies that hold the benefactor as confused and without any real effort toward others that would be the so called the right thing. My word for today is objectivism the thought that supports the ethics of self-sacrifice and renunciation. I suggest that men to hold themselves and their lives as their highest values, and to live by the code of the free individual self-reliance, integrity, rationality, productive effort. To the power of man's mind, is defending reason and science against every form of irrationalism. It provides an intellectual foundation for objective standards of truth and value. I stand upholding the use of reason to transform nature and create wealth, others like the businessman and the banker, no less than the philosopher and artist, as creators and as benefactors of mankind. I would believe that individual rights, which protect the sovereignty of the individual as an end in himself; and of capitalism, which is the only social system that allows people to live together peaceably, by voluntary trade, as independent equals. As for the religion of man I will state that our great omnipotent leader has no reason to believe that we are anything other than minuscule those that do believe in the good book should reconsider that our great leader is less concerned with us then all the great things he has optimisticly has in holding , that the universe is open to human achievement and happiness and that each person has within him the ability to live a rich, fulfilling, independent life. My idealistic Ideas that I share with you I would presume to give you some knowledge so as to inspire others to see truth .

                                        "Nothing is more important than our word; it truly is our only value"

Wednesday, February 6, 2013


A strange thought "What is it to be human? “To give me perspective I decided to look it up and see what the dictionary would halve too say, all thou the definition was somewhat complex I believe my conclusion is a better understanding. In the scientific sense, to be human means to be a complex biological organism belonging to the species of Homo sapiens, a member of the great ape family. It means to be capable of logical reasoning, abstract thought, learning and using languages and possessing self-awareness.  To be human means you are capable of culture, complex problem solving, creating advanced technologies and developing complex social institutions.  For others, man is defined by the radical absence of any such essence, and is instead a purely material being with purely material concerns. For some people, what it means to be human is inter twined with other questions about the nature of transcendent reality as described by a particular religious doctrine. For such people, being human can mean being a manifestation of a higher power. In the Judeo-Christian tradition, Could mean being an imperfect creature made in the image of God, and what it means to be human is to be a servant of God. For others, such as Buddhists, it means suffering; one is human only until one attains enlightenment, at which time one returns to an oneness with transcendent reality. Of course, other definitions abound, but in general they have in common a definition of human framed by an understanding of the larger realities that stand over and above him. For some, being a human means that one is social and political creature. Or that human are defined by their social interactions, and in extreme versions of this view, being human means being a manifestation of one's larger social and cultural environment. Human beings are inherently political creatures because they attempt to further their own interests even in relation to their social group. Existentialism to be human means simply to be this self-defining creature, to be whatever one decides one wants to become. After spending some thought my conclusion is humankind is a self-aware Homo sapiens that’s an emotional, self-serving, self-principled being capable of abstract thought and logical reasoning. My guess is that no amount of truth could ever be enough to enlighten any human kind that it would conclude that someone else may be more important. That to which one finds they haven’t the value of the human race only to be second in the abstract ideology of a higher being. After seeing and trying to enlighten others I find that I have wasted my time therefore proving my point too myself I too fit as a human kind although I took it upon myself to teach others that too be human meant that we work toward the future of humankind by informing others that to be human is to do the best we can because we are the one doing it, by using all the tools nature gave us to use and as in everything too much is sometimes too much. Take what’s happening now in our great country no one is really paying attention and having an idea of their self-important ideologies haven't a clue of the facts that fixing the problems isn't about them. In the words of my mother to each their own, so I guess the term Humanology is just that.

                              "Nothing is more important than our word; it truly is our only value" 

Monday, February 4, 2013


Hello everyone as you know by now I spend much time alone in my thoughts and as usual I find myself by questioning my own thoughts, I always believed to be aware of one self we must know one  self so to that end  the word that jumped into my head as usual on Facebook and by watching the news, The word means  Memory inhibition, Recall or  Political repression, the oppression or persecution of an individual or group for political reasons , Social repression,  Psychological repression,  the psychological act of excluding desires and impulses from one's consciousness,  The act of repressing or the state of being repressed. The also applies to Psychology the unconscious exclusion of painful impulses, desires, or fears from the conscious mind Repression involves placing uncomfortable thoughts in relatively inaccessible areas of the subconscious mind. Thus when things occur that we are unable to cope with now, we push them away, either planning to deal with them at another time or hoping that they will fade away on their own accord. The level of 'forgetting' in repression can vary from a temporary abolition of uncomfortable thoughts to a high level of amnesia, where events that caused the anxiety are buried very deep. Repressed memories do not disappear. They can have an accumulative effect and reappear as anxiety or dysfunctional behavior. A high level of repression can cause a high level of anxiety or dysfunction, although this may also be caused by the repression of one particularly traumatic incident. Repressed memories may appear through subconscious means and in altered forms, such as dreams or slips of the tongue Repression sometimes called motivated forgetting is a primary ego defense mechanism since the other ego mechanisms use it in tandem with other methods. This defense is often called repression which is an unconscious awareness. When we deliberately and consciously try to push away thoughts, this is suppression. In Freudian terminology, repression is the restraining of a cachexia by an anti-cachexia. It is not all bad. If all uncomfortable memories were easily brought to mind we would be faced with a non-stop pain of reliving them. Of some psychoanalysis, was to bring repressed memories, fears and thoughts back to the conscious level of awareness. When a person is being defensive in some way, think about the repressions that may be at the root of their problem. Also listen for speech errors and other signals from the subconscious.  You can even start a conversation about recent weird dreams and then listen for further symbols, though be careful with this, as dreams can be very symbolic. It can help a person recover from the discomfort and dysfunction that repression brings by digging out the original memory. But you should be very careful with this, of course - done wrong, it may only cause more pain. If you have caused a person stress and they feel unable to respond, you may find that they act as if nothing had happened. This is a surprisingly common attribute of persuasive situations. It can gain compliance in the shorter term, but can build up problems for later.  You may attribute feeling to someone of unjust or cruel exercise of authority or power another problem may be something that oppresses especially in being an unjust or excessive exercise of power or a sense of being weighed down in body or mind. Another type is Social oppression the systematic, socially supported mistreatment and exploitation of a group, category, or team of people by anyone. And of course there the Institutionalized oppression this occurs when established laws, customs, and practices systematically reflect and produce inequities based on one’s membership in targeted social identity groups.  An  oppressive consequences accrue to institutional laws, customs, or practices, the institution is oppressive whether or not the individuals maintaining those practices have oppressive intentions then there’s Systematic oppression this  term of oppression is such instances to refer to the subordination of a given group or social category by unjust use of force, authority, or societal norms in order to achieve a goal in sociology and psychology, internalized oppression is the manner in which members of an oppressed group come to internalize the oppressive attitudes of others toward themselves and those like them. For example, sometimes members of marginalized groups hold an oppressive view toward their own group, or start to believe in negative stereotypes. Examples include internalized racism, internalized sexism, and internalized homophobia. This is what I refer as Republican goals of their forward thinking I believe the fact s will out way any of your doubts all you need to do is watch the news. I feel as thou I am the only one that can enlighten you and press that WE THE PEOPLE need to start focusing on the facts Gun rights are not in question no one is losing their second amendment rights the idea of removing weapons of war of the street is The fact that the violence against woman’s act is being denied again I am concerned for it. Or how about the fact that unions are being disregarded as necessary, If unions didn’t come about business owners would not care if you got sick or that you earned a right and fair wage. And there’s the woman’s right of choice act. Very important to our society, emigration law also important, our ancestors were them The Constitution of the United States gives them the right to be here and to become a citizen Of the United States .Yes reform is necessary we all need to do a part so quit complaining and do something about it I would insist do the right thing say the just things and be unbiased and fair let people know the facts pick a side of truth and be intelligent about it. KNOW YOUR FACTS.

                               "Nothing is more important than our word; it truly is our only value"

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Children of Tomorrow

As I was looking online I was reading many articles on new government policy! Something is here in our country and I just can’t understand how we as a people can allow these atrocities’ to continue. One of them is the new Bill for woman rights;   I believe in the bill of rights and, I find they are for everyone, if we are an enlightened people with our thought s and technologies’. “Why is it that The Republicans and their followers have been unrelenting in their attempts of cutting services for women in America especially the poor women of America?” The Republican’s attacks on teachers unions are just another attempt at union busting. Statistics from 2010 show that 81.8 % of elementary school teachers, 57% of secondary teachers, and 92% of kindergarten and pre-school teachers are women.  I have heard it said that teachers are just glorified baby-sitters who deserve minimum wage and no benefits as if they are teenage girls earning spending money. There has not been the same level of anti-union sentiment aimed at traditional male-dominated professions like law enforcement (13% female), firefighters (3.6% female), or construction workers at 2.6%.  “Is it our legacy to believe and teach our children the lack of respect of woman?” It does not seem to me too be any other reason other than women are not valued the way men are. In Congress and state legislatures around the country, Republicans consistently Vote to perpetuate gender inequality in pay, health insurance, and health services .Because they are still laboring under the bible’s directive that women are not equal to men. I also see that gender inequality is rampant in this country and no profession is immune. There is no other reasonable explanation and in many conservative circles women are expected to stay at home, give birth, whether by choice or rape clean the house, raise the monsters that are going to run our country. It begs the question, “Why would any woman ever vote for a Republican?” It is somewhat understandable that in a third world country and Islamic culture’s women are treated as possessions for men. It is not understandable why in the greatest country in the world women earn 25% less than a man doing the same job. There are, of course, economic considerations at play and corporations will do anything to increase their profit margin by paying women less than men. Many older conservative Americans who yearn to return to 1950 still believe that only men should work outside of the home. And others continue to do everything in their legislative power to return women to the role of homemaker and little else.  Women have done everything they have been asked to, and according to statistics, they are losing the battle for equality on every front. The Republicans continue to lead the attacks on equal rights for women, and it is a mystery why women support them. I believe it is time for men to stand with women and demand that WE THE PEOPLE be given the same respect and fairness that every man enjoys. Americans have much to be ashamed of, but mistreating our women and treating them like third-class citizens has to be at the top of the shame list, and it all starts with Republicans, there followers  and you conservative Christians who cling to bible mythology and war mongering ideology You  Hypocrites who believe that  women are less than men. I am shamed by you that we live in this way I am appalled that you decide you are right.

                            "Nothing is more important than our word; it truly is our only value"