I awoke this day in a fresh new world with anticipation full of excitement and longing.
With an open heart I give too you this pledge.
As a flower in the wind its fragrance lingers
Too be shared, inspired its need of a lasting place.
As shadows cast a grim lonely darkness,
I find that the light has a name, shinning threw as if it had no equal,
Strong, and fearless as it cuts away all the doubt and leaving all in peace, endless in time without regret.
Only the sound of soft music in the distance as the wild becomes silent and full of hope leaving despair and the hates of it.
We search each for the needs of friendship that will free us, our ambitions.
Only the future will decide if it’s strong enough to stand.
I find myself wanting, as if you’re the only star awaiting my every word, from my own heart
That I longed for to be as close and gaze upon it with the greatest of hope.
I ask only for this day.