Friday, October 28, 2016


As most of you know about the thing's being said lately, I  find my self sitting here by the side watching others I find a displacement in the thought patterns of the eluded citizens I often wonder “what the H*** are they thinking?” there facts don’t justify their reason, confusion and dismay seem too give them justification for misbehavior so in dealing with them I find it easier to sit outside and observe. What apparently, we have here is ridicules drama, it is clear that their influence is the lack of education It’s a shame they can’t understand what they read, they see the words but lack the comprehension to make a logical conclusion which gives me this word for today “Analytical”.
Dividing into elemental parts or basic principles.
Reasoning or acting from a perception of the parts and interrelations of a subject. Proving a known truth by reasoning from that which is to be proved. Or “Linguistics” Expressing a grammatical function by using two or more words instead of an inflected form.
Dividing into elemental parts or basic principles. You may think that I am insulating, but truth be told “I AM” To understand fairly, the ability to take all the information on a subject and build a conclusion from facts. You don’t need to be a genius to conclude a logical outcome of truthful information. If you don’t Understand what I am saying get a dictionary. I am being as clear as I can.
As adults, it’s our responsibility to the truth when we are deliberately ignorant the effect on others can be profoundly disrupting and cause many problems. For one thing using hate and meanness to justify prejudice is willfully unacceptable, we are the human race; And as my mom used to say “To each there own” We are the people of earth, it does not matter what religion, color or culture were from we are all people. Its absolutely appalling to me that the opinion of some to violate others, the fact that they can’t see by judging someone they are showing how ignorant they really are, and when faced with the truth they revert to a primal state of stupidity and start the name calling, speaking of truth, decent human behavior when we accept the outrageous and unacceptable and disgusting from others we are condoning it. what of our children and other people’s children when we condone bad behavior what of the effects on them and how are others who lack any understanding to be able to learn basic human decency? "when we violate others with our behavior and opinion most often is full of hate , bigotry and prejudice its not human decency." giving someone the facts of a subject does not need the effect of emotional baggage that often fallows 


             "Nothing is more important than our word, it truly is our only value"