Hello everyone I was reading many sources of political argument
and for several months. I found one I thought relevant,
The ideas and belief are no more short of lying, I always have one comment; my arguments are always based on fact
I find that many people prefer to lie, some time ago I would
point out a truthful statement and assume
that it would be heard then an old
statement comes to mind, to assume is to make a fool out of one self,
well it can’t be said I hadn't done that before.The ideas and belief are no more short of lying, I always have one comment; my arguments are always based on fact
My wasted words often profound, are dictated by the facts and often ignored, people prefer to make believe to insure their ideas and feelings despite the facts. Only to make themselves feel important and to give a cover for their unsupported ideas or beliefs.
I would further explain but I think you have the idea behind
it, I had made my observations about people and there behavior's I often become
aggravated with others for their ignorance of the facts,
My question is "How do you help others see truth, when they
prefer to lie and choose to be ignorant of the facts?”, "Is it not honorable
to be truthful and even for those that would be? Others who wish not to see facts would have you believe you are a liar?”
Here’s the definition
Well I can’t speak for others only myself and hears my words.I have seen your so called proof for argument and I decided to show you the truth of the argument If you cant see I have a description of the problem , it's called Cognitive Dissonance a disorder of making some Idea or belief true despite fact. Creating a unrealistic reality that would give one self a conscience only to convey that there made up facts were to support one belief or idea ignoring the facts in general.
is more important than our word; it truly is our only value"