Hello bloggers
am sitting here reading many thoughts of others and events, it occurred to me, that my life is uneventful
and that my time is often squandered with Ideas of intellect trying to suppress
my emotional state with your ideas that are elusive and unimportant and I ask myself , What is it that one needs to
feel important ? How one feels even when ethics and freedom of one self is in question?
Or perusing a judgment against another because one feels they have the right to
trod upon someone else? I sat in the park today and as I watched and listened I
hear some woman say too her friend. “I Love you” and I wonder how she defines
her love when in the next moment she is angered because she feels it’s
important to tread on her friends personal rights, and during his objection I
hear from him. ”your wrong I do love you!” with me sitting there they never considered
they were infringing on my rights as I really didn’t go to the park to be subjected
to childlike behavior from adults I just wanted to be outside in the shade and
air to be alone in my thoughts, I often find people rude, distasteful in there
behaviors and ideas and there, I am more important than you, attitudes
So , “Why I ask?
,when some one feels to some importants of a topic or idea would any one go to
another with the intention of disturbing another with things that aren’t considered
important and why must one choose outside there personal
belief that they too are important to themselves
as it’s there right to be. So, I don’t choose to engage without permission or implying
to others there right to stupidity and of course It’s my opinion that most often
or not that I really don’t have the ambition to care , As I consider these
questions I would ask further your opinion, but my guess is, your problem is
you will never consider your actions as it would relate to another person in whiteness
of your inability to be aware of the rights of others so I just thought I would
give you this to give a perspective about true rights of someone else .